Ontem à tarde, quando tomávamos uma refeição leve com amigos dos meus filhos, depois da exposição, falou-se de um pintora japonêsa d'avant-garde, que usa técnicas muito díspares nas suas obras obtendo efeitos maravilhosos.
Eis um texto da net em inglês que nos apresenta a famosa pintora quase desconhecida na Europa.
Tsuruko Yamazaki(b.1925, Ashiya, Japan),
who was a member of the Japanese avant-garde movement called the ‘Gutai movement’ from 1954 to 1972, mostly produces expressionist and avant-garde works. In Yamazaki’s works,
light, colors, forms, materials and subject matter work as one life and show a world that is repeated in unlimited, mutual chains. Influenced by the Gutai movement, each life in her works makes one element that constitutes the whole, and one life is connected to another life. At the same time, one life sometimes disappears from the whole or dominates the whole.
Such dynamic expressions of the artist gain their meaning in that they have interest in every existence and new possibility that does not fall behind the times. The image, which is made in a situation that is connected infinitely to the chains of each element, suggests images of an unfamiliar world to the audience.
The artist creates live colors by mixing several shades of colors and unexpected shadows on metal materials, and makes the audience feel the oppressive force that comes from the strength of each medium.As cores são magníficas e a leveza com que a tinta surge aplicada nos quadros surpreende-me.