O meu irmão colocou um destes dias no seu blogue uma pintura que me encantou e decidi fazer uma pesquisa sobre a pintora, que tem um espólio magnífico de obras e prémios.Só encontrei a biografia em inglês, visto ela ser americana e pouco conhecida no nosso país. Daí ter transcrito a versão que encontrei.

Practically born with a crayon in her hand, Jan Blencowe considers visual art her first language. She has been drawing and painting for as long as she has been talking. Her formal training began in New York in high school, all the basics coupled with an unusual beginning at a young age painting in the abstract expressionist style. The fine art program at Caldwell College, Caldwell, NJ followed where she received a BFA, magna cum laude, in 1984 with concentrations in painting, color and art history. Her college years also included an internship at the Montclair Museum, Montclair, NJ.

Her most artistically significant continuing study is engaging in painting en situ, outdoors on location learning under the care, nurture and guidance of the greatest, most profound mentor, Mother Nature.

Blencowe’s creative goals include continuing the path forged by the great American landscape painters who so seamlessly merged the grand but temporal beauties of nature and the sublime spirituality present in every living thing. Her passion for connection continues to lead her into the ever evolving world of the internet and social media as a conduit for bringing together artists and art lovers all over the globe.
Ver pinturas destas faz-nos acreditar no poder encantatório da Natureza e do valor intrínseco do talento e da Arte. O site da Fine Art America é um museu que vale a pena visitar:http://fineartamerica.com/featured/river-sunset-jan-blencowe.html