Quando comecei a ir ao atelier Utopia, a minha amiga Regina falou-me numa pintora que a tinha influenciado um pouco e que ela admirava muitíssimo. Logo nesse dia fiz uma pesquisa e fiquei entusiasmada com a obra desta artista, para mim desconhecida, que apresenta uma colecção de óleos e gravuras extremamente originais e atraentes.
Fica aqui a sua biografia em inglês, pois não existe em português e penso que muitos dos leitores deste blogue compreendem esta língua. Também figuram algumas das suas obras.

Edith Cohen-Gewerc was born in Paris. She spent her youth in Rio de Janeiro where she studied painting at the "Escola de Bellas Artes". She came to Israel with her family in the early sixties, and since then has dedicated herself to her art and now, she lives and works in the city of Kfar Saba.
The impressions of her new country, together with her solid conception of painting, have led to a main motif: light, expressed via a vast palette of delicate colors.

We can follow the evolution of her vision and unique techniques through several exhibitions… Invited to participate in the famous "Salon des Indépendants" in Paris (1972), she also had two important personal exhibitions of her works (1973) in Paris and Biarritz. She has had one-woman shows in Rio de Janeiro (1971), in Wiesbaden (1994), in Geneva (2000, 2003), in Tel Aviv (1979, 1989, 1990, 1996) at Engel's and Tiroche Galleries, in Jerusalem (1992), and so forth…

At present, she is working on a large exhibition of her painting and etchings in Rio de Janeiro.
Together with the voices of art, concentrated in denunciation of our "collapsing world", Edith chooses to focus her creation on a march into her inner landscapes, and invites us to accompany her.

We begin our journey by moving through dense layers, then head into lighter spaces until we reach a harmonic encounter with a new environment, which can be either physical or spiritual, where we discover the light coming from within.

Sometimes we wish to return to the depths of the painting, experiencing the infinite penetration into uncertainty, however this is a search free from fear or anxiety.
Sometimes we look for a path leading out of the crude soil in order to reach, step by step, the ethereal level. Upon contemplating matters once again, we then understand that we always stand before a new discovery.

What is said is barely hinted; like life itself, the essence lies in its folds.
Edith is inspired by the process of conscious evolution, the main axis of the theory called Logosophy and its method..
http://www.edithcg.com/ . The Art of Edith Cohen Gewerc